Which of the following pertains to the amount of time people take to prepare for an interview and their overall job performance and satisfaction?

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
Which of the following pertains to the amount of time people take to prepare for an interview and their overall job performance and satisfaction?
Openness to experience
“Because of their narcissistic tendencies, these leaders often get quite a bit done. But their feelings of entitlement and inability to learn from experience often results in trails of bruised followers.Whtch dark-side personality trait is defined by this statement?
3. Dutiful leaders
Tend to blame others for their mistakes
Frustrate and disempower their staffs through micro-management
Deal with stress by sucking up to superiors
Are unconcerned about the welfare of their staff
Which dark-side personality trait is often associated with extremely high dependability scores?
These managerial types have gained insight into their dark-side traits and have found ways to negate their debilitating effects on followers.
Competent Managers
Results Only Managers
In Name Only Managers

A person’s all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thought is called
7. Intelligence
Affects behavior equally across all situations
Is relatively easy to change
Can be inferred in different ways
Can be modified through education and experience
‘Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get work out while maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level: In terms of the Leadership Grid, what leadership
orientation does this signify?
Team management
Country Club management
Impoverished management
Middle-of-the-road management
These skills and behaviors do not involve interacting with others and are among the most difficult to change.
Competencies concerned with analyzing issues, making decisions, financial savvy and strategic thinking constitute the
Intrapersonal skills category
Leadership skills category
Interpersonal skills category
Business skills category

11. Community leaders
Have positional power
Can get tasks accomplished
Tend to have fewer resources
Can discipline followers who do not adhere to organizational norms
The leadership competency of helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in effective action is
Building social capital
Interaction facilitation
Leaders can motivate followers with strong __ values by giving them opportunities to improve society and help others who are less fortunate.
14. What is the motivational strategy of followers with strong scientific values?
They enjoy analyzing data to get at the truth
The more they are paid, the more they are motivated to work
They are motivated when they work in organizations that have strong customs
They believe fame, visibility and publicity are important
Leaders who suffer from extrinsic motivational bias falsely believe followers are more motivated by
Job security
Helping others
Some people are motivated to persist in certain behaviors for the simple reason that they like to do them. This is called
Extrinsic motivation
Overjustification effect
Intrinsic motivation
Observer effect

Which of the following statements concerning the overjustification effect is true?
The overjustification effect occurs in a number of situations
Rewards seen as providing “informational”value typically result in a decrease in intrinsic motivation for the task
Overjustification effect is more a reality than a myth
External rewards may backfire if they are given to people already intrinsically motivated to perform the tasks
What are the most powerful determinants of task behaviors, according to Locke and Latham?
Receiving conflicting information from two or more people about their expectations for your work behavior reflects
Intersender role conflict
Intrasender role conflict
Interrole conflict
Person-role conflict
This role conflict occurs when a store manager encourages a salesperson to mislead customers about the quality of the store’s products when this behavior is inconsistent with the salesperson’s values and beliefs.
Interrole conflict
Intrasender role conflict
Intersender role conflict
Person-role conflict
A person is experiencing __ if he/she wonders, “Just what am I supposed to be doing?”
Role ambiguity
Role conflict
Role overload
Role insufficiency

These are the informal rules that groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members’ behaviors.
The sum of forces that attract members to a group, provide resistance to leaving it and motivate them to be active in it is called
Group polarization
Social facilitation
Group cohesion
Punctuated equilibrium
One of the disadvantages of highly cohesive group is finding that, people in such groups often become more concerned with striving for unanimity than in objectively appraising different courses of action. This
phenomenon is called
Punctuated equilibrium
A highly cohesive group with members who overstep their boundaries or even violate laws to please the leader illustrates

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
Jeff works as a self-employed consultant. He decides when, where and how he works based on market demand and personal preference. Jeff’s job has a high degree of
Task interdependence
Task structure
Skill variety
When there is a known procedure for accomplishing a task, rules governing how one goes about it and if these rules are followed, there is one result. These features characterize a(n)
Task identity
Structured task
Task significance
Unstructured task
3. Which of the following statements about unstructured tasks is false?
Unstructured tasks are by nature somewhat ill defined
Reducing the degree of ambiguity inherent in an unstructured situation is a leadership behavior appreciated by followers
While it is easier for a leader to give instruction in unstructured tasks, it is not necessarily the most helpful thing to do
Subordinates need help when a task is unstructured
Workers may be able to accomplish their tasks in an autonomous fashion, but the products of their efforts must be coordinated in order for the group to be successful. This refers to
Task interdependence
Task structure
Skill variety
If we consider the example of ironing a shirt, which of the following task dimensions would be high?
Skill variety
Task Significance
Task structure
Task interdependence

6. The organizational structure is
A tangible reality
An end in itself
Sacrosanct and permanent
A tool for getting things done in organizations
7. Typically, greater horizontal complexity is associated with
The number of hierarchical levels appearing on an organization chart
The increased likelihood for communication breakdowns between subunits
The degree of standardization in an organization
The diffusion of decision making throughout an organization
This refers to the number of hierarchical levels appearing on an organization chart.
Horizontal complexity
Vertical complexity
9. The only situational consideration in situational leadership is
Decision making
Knowledge of the task
Goal setting
In terms of the four leadership styles of situational leadership, a high task/ low relationship behavior is referred to as
11. The delegating leadership style has
High task/low relationship behavior
Low task/low relationship behavior
An assessment of an individual’s personality
Links to customers and suppliers

12. Which of the following statements about leadership is true?
Situational leadership theory maintains that leaders are very consistent in their behavior
Situational leadership theory maintains that leaders’ effectiveness is primarily determined by changing the situation to fit the particular leader’s style
The contingency model emphasizes flexibility in leader behaviors
The contingency model suggests that leader effectiveness is primarily determined by selecting the right kind of leader for a certain situation
Situational leadership theory suggests that the leader should base his behavior upon
Valued rewards
Follower maturity
Task structure
Leader-member relations
Fiedler’s contingency theory uses which of the following instruments to determine the relevant characteristic of the leader?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
The California Personality Inventory
The Least Preferred Coworker Scale
The Five Factor Personality Inventory
15. Which of the following statements about high-LPC leaders is true?
If tasks are being accomplished in an acceptable manner, they will move to their secondary level of motivation, which is forming and maintaining relationships with followers
They are primarily motivated by the task, which means that they primarily gain satisfaction from task accomplishment
They are primarily motivated by relationships, which mean that they are primarily satisfied by establishing and maintaining close interpersonal relationships
They will focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished

Which of the following is the most powerful supplement in determining overall situation favorability?
Leader-member relations
Task structures
Position powers
Subordinate acceptance
What is the underlying cause for a huge percentage of failures of change initiatives?
The leader’s inability or unwillingness to address culture and capabilities issues
Leaders act to optimize their part of the organization at the expense of sub-optimizing the organization’s overall effectiveness
The leader does not have a compelling vision or fails to motivate others to do something different
Top leaders may fail to demonstrate empathy and listening skills
This component of the change model is where the change initiative becomes tangible and actionable because it consists of the development and execution of the change plan.
Amount of change
19. Which of following is not a common form of resistance to change?
Loss of power
Loss of competence
Loss of charisma
Loss of rewards
When followers are afraid of losing power, a leader’s response to this fear would be
To coach, mentor, train, peer coach, use job aids and so forth
To demonstrate empathy and have good listening skills
To help employees build new relationships before change occurs or soon thereafter
To design and implement a new reward system to support change initiative

21. The “S” in SARA refers to
In this stage of coping with change, you start to question whether the company really knew what it was doing by letting you go and perhaps rationalize that they will probably be calling you back.
Usually the first people to realize that a change initiative needs to be implemented are the organization’s
First-line supervisors
Middle managers
Top leaders
Individual contributors
24. Management skills are important for
Coaching followers on how to do things differently
Determining a new vision for the organization
Increasing dissatisfaction
Reviewing progress on change plans
25. Persons derive authority because of their exemplary characteristics in the
Charismatic authority system
Traditional authority system
Legal-rational authority system
Legal authority system

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Cathy, CS.