#1 Mills defends capital punishment as the commit crimes. ?

#1 Mills defends capital punishment as the commit crimes. ? Do you agree?’most humane punishment for those who deserve severe punishment compared to the alternatives.  Considering the options he weighs, is excution really the most humane? Given the punishments we typically use today , would Mill likely reach the same conclusion if he were alive today?# 2 What does deterrence depend on, in Van Den Haag’s view?# 3 In Van Den Haag’s view, what is the sole deterrent on whether people will or will not commit crimes? Do you agree?#4 Given the heinous, brutal crimes, did tucker, and williams deservethe death penalty, regardless of their later behavoir on death row?  Can you imange sistuation where guilty murderers on death rowshould have their sentences commuted because of their conduct while on death row?’applying Ethics’ book 11th edition write one written on each of the four questions

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Cathy, CS.