10-12 page ResearchPaper on global logistics or supply chain

10-12 page ResearchPaper on global logistics or supply chain management.  Your instructor must approve specific topicsin advance.  Your paper, which is worth100 points and 20% of your grade will be submitted through Turnitin, anoriginality detection service, and will be evaluated based on the criteria inthe rubric linked in the submission activity and includes the following:  · Quality and depth of content · Organization of the report · Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers,title page, table of contents, appropriate labels on figures and tables,etc.  · Correct grammar and evidence of proofing, i.e., nospelling errors  · Variety and documentation of references used.  Format for citations and references mustfollow APA guidelines  “Supply andLogistics Lesson Learned in Contingency Wars of the Middle East”Introduction  I.  Problems made in the GulfBodyII.  Logistics of the Gulf WarIII.  Preparations for a Southwest AsiaContingencyIV  Deploying to the Theater (Cargo)V  In-Transit Visibility (Cargo)  (1) RFID In-TransitvisibilityVI  The importance of in-transit visibilityon the U.S. military logisticsVII  Lesson LearnedConclusionConcludingStatement

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Cathy, CS.