3 pages double spaced, no quotations from book1. What are the essentials of libertarianism? What do libertarians mean when they advocate a “night watchman state”?2 .What are the extractive industrie
3 pages double spaced, no quotations from book
1. What are the essentials of libertarianism? What do libertarians mean when they advocate a “night watchman state”?
2 .What are the extractive industries? Why are they especially dependent on government? Why have they been the fiercest opponents of efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change?
3. How did Charles Koch go about creating grassroots libertarian organizations?
4. How did the Koch Bros libertarian ideology relate to their economic interests in Koch Industries?
5. How did the Koch Bros growing financial role in American politics different from such predecessors as the 1930’s era Liberty League? How were they different from groups supporting the Democrats?
6. How did the Citizens United decision represent a “sea change” in terms of private spending to influence American elections?