Classification of a Bargaining Subject,What is a mandatory subject of bargaining?
Read Case Study 6-2, “Classification of a Bargaining Subject,” on page 285 in your textbook, and answer the questions provided.
- What is a mandatory subject of bargaining?
- Can a union waive its right to bargain over a mandatory subject of bargaining?
- Would the established labor agreement apply to this case study?
- Was management’s refusal to bargain over the subject of surveillance camera usage in the workplace a violation of the duty to bargain in good faith under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) as amended? If so, what should be the appropriate remedy?
- Discuss the merits of the parties’ respective positions in this case.
Your response to these questions should be a minimum of 2 pages in length. There are no required resources or citations for this assignment. Should you use resources to support your response, please be sure to include our reference list on a separate page.