Select an area of mental health involving complex issues to develop a strengths based recovery plan. Research a mental health issue, which includes complex needs, and issues. Name the illness and external factors that contributes to make this situation complex.
Question 1: Select an area of mental health involving complex issues to develop a strengths based recovery plan.
Research a mental health issue, which includes complex needs, and issues. Name the illness and external factors that contributes to make this situation complex. Look for:
• The Mental illness symptoms • The cognitive affects • The related behavioural issues • Effects and impacts of the complex external factors on mental health issue.
Question 2: Develop a short case study linked to your answers to question 1 for presentation.
In your case study include such things as; • Name of person • Age and gender • Any identity issues • Name of the mental illness • Describe the complex issue/s • Potential risks to personal safety • Employment status • Physical health status • Housing situation • Relationships including family. • Legal issues • AOD issues • Trauma issues • Child protection • Domestic Violence