“Knowledge Management (KM) is not anything new.” Would you argue that this statement is largely true or false? Why or why not? Use historical antecedents to justify your arguments.

This assessment will help you to understand the history of Knowledge Management (KM)
concepts, key tenets of the major knowledge management theoretical models in use today,
concepts related to knowledge capture and codification, and trust assessment issues of
knowledge sharing.
As part of this assessment, you are to answer the following four questions. The questions are
based on the contents of Chapter 1 (Introduction to Knowledge Management), Chapter 3
(Knowledge Management Models), Chapter 4 (Knowledge Capture and Codification), and
Chapter 5 (Knowledge Sharing) respectively of the prescribed textbook.
Question 1
“Knowledge Management (KM) is not anything new.” Would you argue that this statement is
largely true or false? Why or why not? Use historical antecedents to justify your arguments.
Question 2
Describe how the major types of knowledge (e.g., tacit and explicit) are transformed in the
Nonaka and Takeuchi knowledge spiral model of KM. Use a concrete example to make your
point (e.g., a bright idea that occurs to an individual in the organisation).
a. Which transformations would prove to be the most difficult? Why?
b. Which transformation would prove to be fairly easy? Why?
c. What other key factors would influence how well the knowledge spiral model worked within
a given organisation?
Question 3
A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly
outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other
individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each
interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project.
a. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of those individuals.
The same company has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity strategy to ensure that
knowledge is not only captured from key departing individuals but that this knowledge is coded
and retained in organisational memory systems.
b. Outline how you would develop and implement such a strategy. Describe the key techniques
you would use and justify your selections.

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Cathy, CS.