anice, a 21 year-old healthy female, presents to her nurse practitioner for her yearly check-up. She is sexually active with her boyfriend and uses condoms most of the time. She has never had a pelvic exam before. Discuss the recommended screening tests, using the latest evidence based guidelines that the nurse practitioner should perform on Janice. Discuss the recommended education and counseling that should be included in Janice’s care?

Janice, a 21 year-old healthy female, presents to her nurse practitioner for her yearly check-up. She is sexually active with her boyfriend and uses condoms most of the time. She has never had a pelvic exam before.

  • Discuss the recommended screening tests, using the latest evidence based guidelines that the nurse practitioner should perform on Janice.
  • Discuss the recommended education and counseling that should be included in Janice’s care?

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Cathy, CS.