Acid Base Balance

Acid Base Balance: Discuss One of the following using the criteria above. Discuss what you have learned related to the body’s response to heat…

Acid Base Balance

Discuss One of the following using the criteria above

(click to access).

1. Discuss what you have learned related to the

body’s response to heat (#1_Take away


2. Describe what you believe your response

should be as a lay person to give assistance

(#2 _Lay person’s assistance)

3. The body can only handle a certain amount of

heat, and if that degree is extended, the body

may end up closing down. Explain why this is

so (#3 Body’s response to heat)

4. Respond to the diagram below titled Heat

Dangers. Provide one quote from the textbook

or Web to support your thinking (#4_ Heat


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Cathy, CS.