
The proposal is a little too descriptive could you please check this for me if its not that’s fine could you please at references in the rationale section 2.5 and add references to it please. I was also hoping that there’s a nice flow throughout the proposal it must link to the research topic and aims. I have shown this work to my tutor and have been informed that they work is good. But need to add little about positionality and reflexivity I have added a little about this but I think I have went a little too descriptive on this proposal. I was hoping someone could have a look at it to see what how I can improve it and add a little about positionality (credibility section 3.6) on this essay my positionality as the researcher and the interview and how I can manage this to ensure trustworthiness within my research. I have gone over the word count 5,475 could this please be reduced to 4,950 the word count excludes the abstract don’t look at the abstract please only look at the content below: The content below must remain in this order and the same do not change this please I would like the same structure and content: Introduction 4 1.1 Background 4 1.2 Problem Statement 5 1.3 Research Aims and Questions 6 1.4 Significance of Research 6-7 Literature Review 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Teachers’ Perception of Meeting Education Needs of Children with ASD 8 2.3 Learning Interventions Used by Educators in Supporting Children ASD 10 2.4 Barriers Associated with Teaching Children with ASD 11 2.5 Rationale for topic choice 11 Methodology 15 3.1 Overview 15 3.2 Study Design 15 3.3 Study Sample and Sampling Technique 16 3.4 Data Collection Materials and Procedure 17 3.5 Data Analysis 18 3.6 Credibility 18 3.7 Ethical Issues 19 Conclusion 20 References 29 PLEASE LOOK AT THE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA I HAVE UPLOADED THIS MUST BE ACHIEVED. I HAVE ALSO UPLOADED THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL. please can you ensure that I have met the Assessment criteria I have uploaded this: Justification needed to be given throughout the proposal I feel I have already done this could you please have a look to see if I have and change and reword if necessary. By justification I mean why using IPA Interpretative phenomenological analysis is good for this research Why I chose eight participants (because of lack of time) and how this could impact on research. Could you read through the proposal and ensure I justified why I will be using qualitative data IPA, The sampling (eight), why I chose purposive sampling ( because it was convenient at the time an they will help me answer my topic question as they are all teachers and have experience working with children with disabilities) how it is good for this research. Could you please add Appendices throughout the proposal I have already added them to the bottom of the thesis proposal they just need to be included within the text: Appendix 1: Participant information sheet Appendix 2: Consent form Appendix 3: Ethics form Appendix 4: Timetable Appendix 5: Debrief sheet Appendix 6: Semi structured interview questions Appendix 7: Qualitative research plan Appendix 8: IPA

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Cathy, CS.