Campaign For Political Advocacy

Campaign For Political Advocacy: Identify a healthcare issue within your community and explain the issue to your class colleagues…

Campaign For Political Advocacy

Please see questions below and address appropriately. This is a Doctorate level writing. 2.5 pages or more. APA format. At least 2 references (must be withing 5yrs)

Zero plagiarism

Tittle: Campaign for Political Advocacy

This week we focused on healthcare policy initiatives and ways in which nurses can advocate and influence change. For our discussion, please complete the following:

1. Identify a healthcare issue within your community and explain the issue to your class colleagues.

2. Describe the type of healthcare policy you would advocate for in an effort to change this issue.  3. What type of campaign would you need to launch in order to gather a network of support?  4. Compose a Tweet that describes what you have shared with your class colleagues. Remember, Twitter only allows for 140 characters so you will need to be concise.

You may use one of these healthcare issues:


-Tobaco use

-Mental health and substance abuse

Supplemental reading:

Kullgren, J. T., Cliff, E. Q., Krenz, C., West, B. T., Levy, H., Fendrick, A. M., & Fagerlin, A. (2018). Consumer behaviors among individuals enrolled in high-deductible health plans in the United States. (Links to an external site.) JAMA internal medicine178(3), 424-426. 10.1001/jamainternmed.2017.6622

Wilson, S. (2018). Family Medicine for America’s Health—4 Years Later, Heading into the future (Links to an external site.). Family Medicine50(5), 399-402 http:// 10.22454/FamMed.2018.255823.

Young, J. (2019). An educational strategy to inform legislators and nurses about the professional nursing role (Links to an external site.). The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing50(4), 150-152.

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Cathy, CS.