Can someone walk me through the steps to find quot;the effect size for each of my factors and the interaction, and to explain the resultsquot;…
Can someone walk me through the steps to find “the effect size for each of my factors and the interaction, and to explain the results” within SPSS…it has to be SPSS.
Here is the work I did in SPSS so far: It is for a two-way ANOVA
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Acuity Results
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F. Sig.
Corrected Model 114.800a 5 22.960 34.440 .000
Intercept 529.200 1 529.200 793.800 .000
Diet 6.200 2 3.100 4.650 .020
Exercise 90.133 1 90.133 135.200 .000
Diet * Exercise 18.467 2 9.233 13.850 .000
Error 16.000 24 .667
Total 660.000 30
Corrected Total 130.800 29
a. R Squared = .878 (Adjusted R Squared = .852)
Below was the question I had to answer, regarding my SPSS work above.
A researcher is interested in studying the effect that the amount of fat in the diet and amount of exercise has on the mental acuity of middle-aged women. The researcher used three different treatment levels for the diet and two levels for the exercise. The results of the acuity test for the subjects in the different treatment levels are shown below.