CLC-Steps Required for Financial Recommendations

Part I: EPS / EBIT Analysis

Prepare an EPS/EBIT Analysis for your CLC group’s company (Southwest Airlines) by doing the following:

  • Refer to and follow the steps given in Chapter 8 of the David text to learn how to complete an EPS/EBIT analysis.
  • Use the data you have compiled about your company(Southwest airlines) throughout the course to assist you.
  • Determine whether the firm should use all debt, all stock, or a 50-50 combination of debt and stock to finance their market-development strategy.
  • Use your Strategic-Planning Template to complete the EPS/EBIT tables and chart.
  • In 50-100 words, provide a summary recommendation/analysis overview for this part.

Please this order has two parts. The first part is to be done as excel inside the Southwest strategic Planning Template and the second part is the 50 to 100 words summary recommendation/analysis in a word document.

I attached the screen shots of the chapter 8 that explain the steps, included the compiled information of Southwest Airlines saved as Previous CLC Assignments. I also attached the reference list for the information and then the rubric to follow, thank you.

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Cathy, CS.