Complete 350 word Essay on Memory (UOP)

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.

Assignment Instructions:

1) The expectation as a Learning Team this week is to watch the video on Clive Wearing: The Man Without A Memory:

2) Note that there is no one right answer I am looking for here; rather, I want to see that teams have discussed the topics with their teammates and convey a deep understanding of the topics being addressed in a synthesized paper. The paper should demonstrate Learning Team collaboration and teamwork. As a Learning Team, you will be consolidating/summarizing your team answers in a 350-700 word paper. It is okay to number each question prompt in your paper and type your consolidated group response. It is also okay to go over word count but be sure to meet minimum word count:

  • How would you define the relationship between learning something and remembering it?
  • What specific region of Clive’s brain is damaged to result in this memory loss?
  • How do you explain Clive’s loss of memory for most things, despite his lasting memory for his wife and the piano?
  • If you were Clive, what memories would you miss the most?
  • How are emotions linked to memories? Provide some examples to support your answers.

3) I encourage for the Learning Team Lead this week to set up a discussion thread for this assignment in the Learning Team discussion forum. In past classes, folks have done well to set up a separate discussion thread for each of the prompts on Clive Wearing.

4) Once you have generated discussion on each of the prompts, be sure to synthesize your individual responses so that your responses are consolidate.

  • For example, avoid: “Jane says ABC; Bob says XYZ…”
  • RATHER paper should be organized like follows: “Our Team feel that XYZ” and “There was some difference in our approach as a LT to prompt X but we ended up agreeing that…”

5) Be sure to incorporate the class readings from this week as well and be sure to add a reference list that includes the video.

  1. Start by sharing the instructions of your paper with us  
  2. And then follow the progressive flow.
  3. Have an issue, chat with us now


Cathy, CS.