Contract Fundamentals and Electronic Contracting&nbspPlease re

Contract Fundamentals and Electronic Contracting’ Please respond to the following:Per the text, Adams states that ethics in government contracting requires maintaining integrity in the procurement of products and services from private contractors. From the e-Activity, select two (2) components of Subpart 3.10—Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct that interest you the most. Next, evaluate the level of necessity of these components that you have selected in maintaining an ethical government contracting system. Provide a rationale for your response.Explain two (2) disadvantages of electronic contracting and suggest two (2) possible remedies for those disadvantages. Provide a rationale for your response. Week 1 E-ActivityReview the basic components of “Subpart 3.10 – Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct”.  Be prepared to discuss.

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Cathy, CS.