Create a Staffing Plan
Create a Staffing Plan. Your staff is your most important asset and will make your grant intervention come to life. As such, your portrayal of how they will accomplish their work as part of your grant intervention is paramount to your success.
Create a Staffing Plan
Your staff is your most important asset and will make your grant intervention come to life. As such, your portrayal of how they will accomplish their work as part of your grant intervention is paramount to your success. Using the weekly readings, the South University online library resources, and the Internet, research how to write a staffing plan. Based on your research, address the following:
- Create a staffing plan that shows the number of full- and part-time staff, including contractors and volunteers, who will implement your chosen public health intervention in response to your chosen FOA.
- Deliver the staffing plan in an outline form, briefly describing each individual’s job title and responsibilities.
- Include an organizational chart showing where these positions reside and to whom they will report.
Submission Details:
- Develop a 3 – 5 page staffing plan.
- Cite all sources on a separate page using APA standards.
Additional Information:
My chosen FOA is attached in additional material as well as my papers 3 weeks prior to this week
here\’s a link to writing a budget for the grant proposal
Ideal Staff:
for the purpose of this project I would like 5 full time-co investigators 5 part-time employees, 1 contracted social marketing team ( ex. angelic branding) and 6 volunteers (ex. community relations, HealthCare Volunteer, and 4 interns)
Create a staffing plan that shows the number of full- and part-time staff, including contractors and volunteers, who will implement your chosen public health intervention in response to your chosen FOA.
Successful implementation of a public health intervention plan is an all-inclusive process that requires expertise from different fields, including healthcare practitioners, program planners, and policymakers (McDonald et al., 2016). Other personnel crucial to implementing a public health intervention plan include physicians, social workers, healthcare volunteers, and interns.
Most of the personnel should be experienced to implement the chosen public health intervention proposal successfully. The staff will conduct a routine meeting with the initial meeting’s agenda constituting refining of the scope and the protocol of the project
In reference to the requirements by the CDC’s National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB Prevention (2021), the number of required employees, including full-time, part-time, contracted, volunteer, and intern workers, planned for this proposal’s implementation will total to 16. Out of these, five will be full-time co-investigators, five will be part-time employees, and six volunteers.
Additionally, the project team will hire the services of one contracted social marketing team, i.e., an angelic branding consulting agency. The volunteer will include community relations personnel, a healthcare volunteer, and four interns.
Deliver the staffing plan in an outline form, briefly describing each individual’s job title and responsibilities.
Job Title | Responsibilities |
Co-Investigators | Co-Is have expertise in healthcare project implementation. The Co-Is are responsible for ensuring that the project complies with applicable legislation and institutional policies of the CDC’s National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB Prevention for the project. Lead by one chief Co-Is; they will facilitate: The engagement of members of the gay and bisexual community and strategic partners. Establishment of effective HIV/AIDS prevention strategies.Evaluating and disseminating information on preventive methods and resources.Foster understanding by facilitating collaboration with the federal government, local and community health organizations, and other strategic partners such as the CDC.Establish effective surveillance systems for tracking factors contributing to HIV prevalence, including those at higher risks. Facilitate the development of web-based behavioral surveillance systems to carry out yearly and statewide behavioral internet surveys within the MSN populations to help describe risk behaviors, exposure, and rate of adoption of HIV prevention measures. |
Part-time Employees | Part-employees, including physicians and other healthcare personnel, will be primarily responsible for implementing core project activities established by Co-Is: Providing healthcare intervention services such as counseling targeted the MSM population on behavioral changes to improve their health. According to Pfannstiel & Rasche (2017), physicians are crucial in healthcare project implementation and crucial in overseeing project requirements by ensuring the strategies contribute to quality health services. Thus, physicians and healthcare teams will provide the guidelines and risks associated with the implementation process. Implementation of HIV prevention strategies in identified community and public health factions. Guide channeling of HIV prevention resources and expansion of programs to the targeted population. Capacity building of different personnel on prevention activities among higher-risk communities and expansion of HIV testing activities in relation to care programs.Mobilizing targeted institutions, e.g., those serving the gay, bisexual, and MSM populations, enhances communication, awareness, and prevention efforts.Contribute to the establishment of behavioral change interventions through the established web-based platform and in-person training young adults of the targeted population (18-29). |
Volunteers | Volunteers play a crucial role in supporting public health initiatives through guided participation in the project’s activities (Pfannstiel & Rasche, 2017). The volunteers will provide all the necessary support to team members, including: Public health HIV education.Assessing public HIV awareness, e.g., access to health, health education, and empowerment, provides insights into improvement areas.Promoting health intervention through community events and in local stations.Supporting the development of strategies and programs designed to make positive contributions to the targeted community. |
Contracted social marketing team | Social marketing is an essential tool in delivering healthcare services due to its influence on community participation (Gupta et al., 2019). The contracted social marketing team will be responsible for: Promoting the project activities at every level of the society, particularly among African American MSM and bisexuals.Influencing community behavior in alignment with the project’s aims to benefit the targeted population.Deliver competitive sensitization and societal change project programs effectively, equitably, and sustainably. |
Include an organizational chart showing where these positions reside and to whom they will report.
As outlined in the organizational chart, one co-investigator is responsible for guiding a team of four other co-investigators. The other four co-investigators are individually accountable for different aspects of the projects as outlined therein. Consequently, the co-investigators assign tasks to part-time employees and volunteers depending on the area of expertise, including healthcare and community social work. On the other hand, the co-investigators liaise independently with the social marketing team to carry out health promotion initiatives.
Gupta, A., Naidu, N. K., & Kakkar, R. (2019). Role of social marketing in promoting primary care to succeed in the current era. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 8(10), 3086.
MacDonald, M., Pauly, B., Wong, G., Schick-Makaroff, K., van Roode, T., Strosher, H. W., … & Ward, M. (2016). Supporting successful implementation of public health interventions: protocol for a realist synthesis. Systematic reviews, 5(1), 1-11.
Pfannstiel, M. A., & Rasche, C. (2017). Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Management. Springer.