Current Issues/Trends PowerPoint Presentation
Current Issues/Trends PowerPoint Presentation: Directions for Powerpoint 1. Include at least 8-10 slides (NOT including title/reference slides)…
NURS 440 PowerPoint Template
Student Name School Course
Faculty Name/Title Date
Directions for Powerpoint 1. Include at least 8-10 slides (NOT including title/reference slides)
2. Add bullet points for each slide 3. Include speaker notes for each slide (4-5 sentences) to address bulleted items
4. APA style & include citations in your speaker notes
5. Minimum of 4-5 peer reviewed articles (within the last 5 years) as references
(do not include: blogs, chat, other university or Wikipedia).
7. Make sure to add colorful graphics, data, graphs, clip art to engage audience,
be creative!
Explain why you chose one of the following topics:
1. Nursing during an epidemic, pandemic, or natural disaster across the country or around the globe
2. Social media influences on health or health care delivery
3. The effect of the media on nursing image. How can nurses educate the public and help
portray the true image of nursing?
4. The prevalence and impact of substance abuse among nurses (impaired nursing)
5. Impact of collective bargaining on the nursing profession
6. Impact of workplace harassment and violence on the nursing profession
7. You may select from ONE of the following technological advances and discuss its impact on
patient outcomes:
1. Telehealth technology
2. Health applications
3. Health-related/electronic wearables
Why The Topic Was Chosen
How The Topic Impacts Nursing Practice
1. Please show how your topic impacts nursing practice and/or patient care 2. How will the topic impact your role as a nurse in the nursing workforce or in the
clinical setting?
3. What is the current relevance of your topic 4. How is your topic integrated and used in clinical practice
Current Relevance
1. Provide a full description of your topic 2. Describe how your chosen topic is relevant/current to nursing practice 3. Provide a critical analysis supported by evidence based practice that is
credible and timely
Clinical Practice Integration
1. How will the topic impact your role as a nurse in nursing workforce or clinical
2. Current relevance of the topic
3. How your topic is integrated and used in clinical practice
Plan for Lobbying
1. Describe in detail what you would lobby your legislators or local government for funding and support for your chosen current issue or trend.
2. What current or proposed legislation already exists that pertains to your topic?
3. Make insightful, clear and accurate connections to importance of lobbying legislators & government

1. Show insight and comprehensive solutions/conclusions regarding your chosen topic
Remember to:
1. Include at least 4-5 research articles (Use WCU Online Library) 2. References need to be within the last 5 years
3. Do not include: blogs, chats, other universities, Wikipedia
4. Follow APA style
Directions for Submitting your Powerpoint
1. Open your PPT and go to “file” in top left corner. 2. Click “print” option. Make sure “print all slides” and “print slides with notes” is
selected. 3. Go to “Save As” on the left hand side and be sure you save as a PDF. 4. Under your save as selection, click “more options”. Select the “Options” button and
click the “Publish What” pull-down and then select “Notes Pages.” (If you click slides it will not show the speaker notes)
5. Click “OK.” 6. Complete your selection process by checking “Open file after publishing” and
selecting the “Optimize for: ‘Standard’ and ‘Minimum Size’” choices. 7. Click on “Save” next to the “Tools” button at the bottom of the box.