Discussion 3 Two postings are required for this discussion b

Discussion 3 Two postings are required for this discussion board. The social costs of unemployment are sometimes overlooked.  Use the internet to research the social costs of unemployment in the USA and other countries.  In at least a 200 word posting, discuss some of the similarities and differences that you found.  After reading the postings of other students, provide a second posting to this discussion board in which your state which similarity or difference you found most surprising and why?  Your second posting must be at least 50 words.Assignment 4 Unemployment varies from region to region.  Write a one page to two page, double spaced essay in which you accomplish the following:a. identify the area you call homeb. identify which type of unemployment (seasonal, cyclical, frictional, or structural) is the biggest problem in your home areac. defend your choice by providing specific examples, statistics or factsd. suggest one government program that could be instituted to address this type of unemployment in your home area.Assignment 5 In the fall of 2016, an election for President of the United States will be held.  At the moment there are several people seeking a nomination to run for President of the United States.  Select one of these candidates.  Write a two page double spaced essay in which you1.  summarize the candidates proposed policies to assist the United States with future economic growth2.  provide your critique of this policies.  Be sure that your paper focuses on policies for economic growth and that you cite the sources used.  Your paper MUST be submitted as an attached Word file, a docxfile in Blackboard.  If the paper is not submitted as an attached .docx file, you will have a grade of 0.  Please do not email the paper to me or put your paper in the text box for the assignment.  Most of you have been submitting work correctly all along.  Thank you for that.  The few of you that have not, need to start.

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Cathy, CS.