discussion write one paragraph answer the questions belowht
discussion: write one paragraph answer the questions belowhttps://youtu.be/jF1OQkHybEQ Watch the re-creation of the beginning of this famous ballet from 1913. Then, respond to the following: The 1913 premier of the ballet, The Rite of Spring, caused a riot because of its ‘pagan primitivism, harsh dissonance, percussiveness, and pounding rhythms.’ Read about the premiere of The Rite of Spring and its performance in Milestones of Music. Explain this statement by describing what you saw and heard from this video which recreates the ballet with the original costumes, set design, and choreography.Make reference to the events (in the arts world too) that took place around that time in history. Why did the audience react the way they did?Finally, is this ‘shocking’ to you?For a historical perspective, visit the link to Keeping Score by the San Francisco Symphony. It is an interactive website that gives you background on the events leading up to that premier as well as the premier itself—the costumes, scenery, choreography and the whole cast of players. Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony provide this valuable learning tool http://www.keepingscore.org/sites/default/files/swf/stravinsky/full concert reportConcert Report Outline Make sure you are attending a classical music performance featuring choral/vocal music or music for acoustic instruments (not electronic or synthesized instruments). It can be of any period of music that we have studied in class. The performing group can be a large ensemble (orchestra, symphonic band, choir, etc.) or a small ensemble (trio, duet, etc.). It may also be a solo recital for voice or any instrument. Almost all classical concerts give out a program. Make sure you have one to write your report. Please consult your instructor if you are not sure if a concert qualifies. You must stay for the entire concert and keep a copy of the program to write your report. If this is your first concert experience, it is recommended that you attend a concert performed by professional musicians like the San Diego Symphony. A highlight of the year will be violinist, Midori, performing the magnificent Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto on April 1-3, and the visiting New York Philharmonic, conducted by Alan Gilbert, on May 4. Both concerts will be at the Jacobs Music Center/Copley Symphony Hall (750 B Street, San Diego). For information, go to the San Diego Symphony link below. Please include the following in your report: I.Date, location, artist name(s)II.Program Composers’ names (include birth/death years, e.g., 1820-1875), brief list of pieces performedStylistic period(s) identified for all major works performed (e.g., Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century) and what about the music was characteristic from this periodMusical forms identified (ternary, theme and variations, sonata-allegro, etc.)III.Your favorite piece and why Include musical reasonsUse musical terms (e.g., crescendo, tempo, pianissimo, phrasing, accents, etc.)IV.Performer’s communication with audienceStage presence (e.g., walk onto stage, body language, bow)Audience response (e.g., warm, loud, excited, apathetic)Actual performance (e.g., dynamic, introspective, involved, successful?)—please be specificYour impression (Did you like it? Would you hear this artist again?) and whyV.Important: Attach a digital photo or scanned image of the portion of the program that identifies the date of the concert and the pieces performed. Points cannot be given without proof of attendance. Your report should be written in essay form, not outline form, 400-600 words. Type/paste it directly into the Assignment window or attach it as a Microsoft Word document. Only Word docs, please, with the concert program pasted into the document or attached as a pdf or jpg file.