Each homework should be writting &nbspseparatly&nbsp1- start a Net

Each homework should be writting  separatly 1- start a NetBeans project and create an application class that generates three random integers between 0 and 50, calculates the average, and prints the result.  After successfully compiling and executing your exercise upload the zipped project folder to Extra Credit Project 1. 2-Write a program that takes two ints as input from the keyboard, representing the number of hits and the number of at-bats for a batter. Then calculate the batter’s hitting percentage and check if the hitting percentage is above .300. If it is, output that the player is eligible for the All Stars Game; otherwise, output that the player is not eligible. 3-Write a class encapsulating the concept of a course grade, assuming a course grade has the following attributes: a course name and a letter grade. Include a constructor, the accessors and mutators, and methods toString and equals. Write a client class to test all the methods in your class. 4-Write an abstract superclass encapsulating a vehicle: A vehicle has two attributes: its owner’s name and its number of wheels. This class has two non-abstract subclasses: one encapsulating a bicycle, ant the other encapsulating a motorized vehicle. A motorized vehicle has the following additional attributes: its engine volume displacement, in liters; and a method computing and returning a measure of horsepower which is the number of liters times the number of wheels. You also need to include a client class to test these two classes. 5-Write a class named CarPlate encapsulating the concept of a car license plate, assuming that it has the following attributes: the plate number, the state, and its color. Write a client program that creates three CarPlate objects and writes them to a file as objects, then reads them from the file as objects, outputs a description of each of the objects using the toString method (which the CarPlate class should override), and outputs the number of objects. When reading the objects, you should assume that you do not know the number of objects in the file and detect the end of file when an EOFException is thrown by the readObject method.

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Cathy, CS.