Environmental ScienceObjectives Demonstrate knowledge of th
Environmental ScienceObjectives: Demonstrate knowledge of the elementary concepts about man’s interaction with the environment, including technology, air, water, and land pollution, conservation of natural resources, and society’s impact on the environment.SUBMITTING YOUR WORK:Submit your writing assignment in the text box below OR you may complete your assignment in an MS Word or Rich Text format document, and submit as e-mail attachment to…GRADING POLICY:A = Answers are correct, complete, and organizedB = Answers are partially correct, complete, and organized.C = Answers are partially correct, incomplete, but disorganized.Any score less than this will be returned for the student for revision.Assignment Directions: Using the internet or any other sources that you like, write an essay on each of the following objectives (essays should be 1-2 pages in length, No larger than 12-point font):List the effect of technology on air, water, and land quality.List possible solutions for air, water, and land pollution.List measures by which industries and individuals can conserve natural resources and energy.List examples of environmental planning and waste management.Describe ecosystems with respect to energy flow, food cycles, pollution, and the impact of man.Describe factors of population dynamics (How does the increase or decrease of a population influence the environment?).Describe at least three different sources of energy and list advantages and disadvantages of each.DON’T FORGET TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!