Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-Based Practice Paper: Disseminate best practices: The group presentation will cover the topic of interest chosen for the practice improvement paper…
Disseminate best practices: The group presentation will cover the topic of interest chosen for the practice improvement paper. Each group will prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation.
A – Develop an abstract:
An abstract is an outline/brief summary of your paper and your whole project. Abstracts highlight major points of your research and explain why your work is important; what your purpose was, how you went about your project, what you learned, and what you concluded.
1. The body of the abstract may not exceed 350 words and should be single-spaced.
2. Short titles and standard abbreviations are recommended. The title should be specific in addressing the key concepts in the project.
3. Abstracts must include the following sections:
. Title conveys the project’s significance
. Background/Significance of the Problem Identification of the problem
. Clinical question PICOT question
. Purpose What you set up to do
. Methods How do you find the evidence (databases, keywords, inclusion and exclusion criteria)
. Synthesis of evidence Clinical appraisal of literature/best evidence guiding practice change
. Change Proposed change in practice discussed
. Implementation Strategies describe approach to the project and how the outcomes will be evaluated.
. Discussion/Conclusions/Implications: Integration into practice, lessons learned from this project and the implications in nursing practice

. References: Include at least 5 references that are no more than 10 years old.
· Use American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition guidelines in the preparation of the proposal. Include at least five (5) references that are no more than 10 years old.
B – Develop a PowerPoint Poster presentation:
1. Create a PowerPoint Poster presentation using the abstract as a guide (like you will be presenting your findings in a conference).
2. Presentation must describe the process and outcomes resulting from the critical appraisal and use of the best and most relevant research evidence related to your clinical question.
3. See Calendar for due date.
4. View grading rubric grading rubric – Alternative Formats .