Financial aid and its effect on grade point averages.
Financial aid and its effect on grade point averages. In this assignment, you will submit a draft of your project as it currently stands.
Financial Aid
Building out the Project –
In this assignment, you will submit a draft of your project as it currently stands.
If you are working on a research paper, please submit the current draft including references.
If you are working on an alternative to a research paper, please provide a status on your project is going, including what tasks the project requires and what remains to be completed.
Evaluation Criteria
1. The work is detailed and supported by research – 25 points
2. The work is relatively error-free and well organized – 25 points
3. The work uses social science methods and contains evidence of critical thinking – 25 pts
4. The work is relevant, engaging, and has real-world implications – 25 points.
All written assignments should be written using a 12-point font (Times or Arial), one-inch margins, and double spaced. Your name and course and section numbers should be at the top of the page.