find a topic in sustainable architecture related area which could be on energy efficiency policy (including building standards, buildings energy performance assessment etc) in the UK. – Let’s Help with this paper (

find a topic in sustainable architecture related area which could be on energy efficiency policy (including building standards, buildings energy performance assessment etc) in the UK. (hopefully something current)
Should include:
• Research topic
• Introduction
• Research strategy
• Literature review
• Research method
• Analysis of collected data
• Conclusion
• Measuring the success
Assessment criteria
1: the projects focus, objectives and approach
clear research aims and objectives sensible strategy to achieve goals and mostly in line with sustainability agenda and framework
2: the use of published research justification of research topic
critical application of theory demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of research needs within a discipline area and support robust and purposeful approaches to key areas of project planning and activity
3: research impact
the research output has potential to inform decision-making process insignificant of far-reaching ways
4: professional and academic standards of presentation
spelling grammar and referencing is almost completely accurate and the work follows the structure and standard of presentation that positively enhances its readability
if graphs and charts could be used aswell that would be brilliant just to support the research behind it

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Cathy, CS.