HISTORY CLASSPlease USE&nbspThe Chicago Manual of StyleBibliogr

HISTORY CLASSPlease USE The Chicago Manual of StyleBibliography is needed; any reliable sources (each item 2 sources at least)Please don’t forget to attach the Bibliography on the last pagePlease check the attached file for the items Your two items may be separate or related to one another, but the two separate answers should (collectively) be about 1 ½ or two pages long, typed, double spaced, with twelve-point font and one-inch margins. What important things do I need to see in each item?1-      Accurate information   ex. dates2-      Good organization3-      Mentioning the historical impact4-      How the information is related to me Each answer for the selected items should start with1-      Identify (name, event, device) first2-      Background3-      Mentioning some facts4-      Why does it matter  PLUS an Outline page for the two items (key aspects, dates, facts…)Attachments: hist_110b_final_exam_study_guide.docx

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Cathy, CS.