i need clear answers and each question needs to be at least

i need clear answers and each question needs to be at least 3 sentence Introduction: • How did the discipline of Religious Studies start? • What did early Religious Studies focus on and why? Chapter 1: • Why does the author emphasize the phrase ‘attempt to understand’ on page 13? • What is the ‘insider/outsider’ issue discussed on pages 14-15? Chapter 2: • Be able to name and briefly explain two different ways of understanding God or theSacred (monotheism, polytheism, pantheism). • What is a functional definition of religion? Give an example. • Why is it so difficult to find a definition of religion? Chapter 3: • Be able to name the elements of religion and explain each one briefly. • Be able to discuss one or two functions of myth. • Be able to discuss one or two functions of ritual. • What is sacrifice? Why do people make sacrifices, whether external (material) orinternal? Definitions (don’t rely just on the glossaries at the end of the chapters, they are incomplete): • Transcendence • Immanence • Scripture • Sacred • Cosmogony • Theology • Ethics • Religions of Salvation (including examples) • Religions of Structure (including examples) I may also include one or more of the “To think about” questions, from chapter 2 or 3: • What is the difference between magic and religion? What is the difference betweensuperstition and religion? • Why do people have religion? • Think about a story or myth from your family, country, or religion and reflect on its rolein your life and the life of others. Does it affect understanding? Feelings? Motivations?Actions? Something else? • Can you express yourself without using symbols? Explain your answer.

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Cathy, CS.