If you good in math
I need support with this Statistics question so I can learn better.
- In the announcement area there should be a listing with your name and number assigned for the discussion questions.
- If you do not see this list, email your instructor to get your assigned number.
- Please use #40 until you receive your own number.
- Access your textbook this way: Go to Content. Click on the week you’re working on. Scroll down to Week # Homework or Week # Quiz. A new page will open. You are now in the ALEKS system. Select the menu in the upper-left corner (it looks like three dashes). Select Textbook and then E-Book. You can also access the E-book when you are in Learning Mode (i.e. when you are working through your topics in the ALEKS Homework) by clicking on the E-Book icon to the right of any problem.
- Please provide the questions, your answers, and show all of the steps and processes you used to solve each problem.
- Remember to do both of the problems assigned
I am #16
- I will give you my login once chosen