If you good in math

I need support with this Statistics question so I can learn better.

  • In the announcement area there should be a listing with your name and number assigned for the discussion questions.
  • If you do not see this list, email your instructor to get your assigned number.
  • Please use #40 until you receive your own number.
  • Access your textbook this way: Go to Content. Click on the week you’re working on. Scroll down to Week # Homework or Week # Quiz. A new page will open. You are now in the ALEKS system. Select the menu in the upper-left corner (it looks like three dashes). Select Textbook and then E-Book. You can also access the E-book when you are in Learning Mode (i.e. when you are working through your topics in the ALEKS Homework) by clicking on the E-Book icon to the right of any problem.
  • Please provide the questions, your answers, and show all of the steps and processes you used to solve each problem.
  • Remember to do both of the problems assigned
  • I am #16

  • I will give you my login once chosen


  1. Start by sharing the instructions of your paper with us  
  2. And then follow the progressive flow.
  3. Have an issue, chat with us now


Cathy, CS.