In M1 Assignment 3,you identified a professional in the fiel
In M1 Assignment 3,you identified a professional in the field of psychology tointerview. You selected an interviewee employed in apsychology-related job that interests you and developed a list offifteen questions. You also prepared a meet-and-greet plan and ascript to use at the beginning of the interview.For this assignment, you willconduct an interview with your chosen psychology professionalusing those fifteen questions. The interview must last a minimumof thirty minutes. As specified in Module 1, youmust ask the interviewee about his or her work, academicpreparation, and advice during the interview. Be certain toinclude the interviewee’s answers to your questions on thefollowing topics:The experiences, skills, and knowledge necessary forsuccess in a career in psychology or in graduate schoolRelevant professionalorganizationsHis or her views onprofessional ethics and academic integrityThe role of psychologicalresearch in his or her workHis or her greatest challengesand rewardsHis orher reasons for choosing the fieldOnce the interview has beencompleted, prepare a summary in paragraph format (notquestion-and-answer format) detailing your meet-and-greet actionsand script, the responses you have received from the questions youasked, and a discussion of any impact the interview has had onyour decisions regarding possible future employment possibilities.When discussing the impact theinterview had on you, be sure to:Discuss at least two strengths and two weaknesses yourecognized in yourself after conducting the interview.Identifyat least one step you can take to address those weaknesses sothat you strengthen your ability to achieve your chosen careergoal.Submission Details:Write a 3- to 4-page paper in paragraph format in aMicrosoft Word document and save it asM3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc. Cite at least two academic sources,including your interviewee. Apply APA standards to cite yoursources.ByWednesday, March 16, 2016, deliver yourassignment to the M3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Dropbox.LASA 1 Grading Criteria and RubricAll LASAs in this course will begraded using a rubric. This assignment is worth 200 points.Download the rubric and carefully read it to understand theexpectations.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDemonstrated the ability to interact professionallyand effectively in a professional environment.8Discussed the experiences, skills, and knowledgenecessary for success in a career in psychology or in graduateschool. Cited at least two sources.20Discussed relevant professional organizations.12Identified the interviewee’s views on professionalethics and academic integrity.28Discussed the role of psychological research in theinterviewee’s work.12Identified the interviewee’s greatest challenges andrewards and the reasons the interviewee chose the field.20Discussed the impact the interview had on yourdecision making regarding future employment.20Included a discussion of your strengths andweaknesses you identified after talking with the interviewee.Also included at least one step you can take to overcome thoseweaknesses.36Writing Components: Organization (12)Usage and Mechanics (12)APA Elements (16)Style (4)44Total:200