Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement Example – NURS 6050 Week 4 Assignment
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Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement Example – NURS 6050 Week 4 Assignment
Part 1. Legislation comparison grid
Health-related Bill name | Autism CARES Act of 2019 (Autism collaboration, accountability, research, education, and support Act of 2019) |
Description | The bill was introduced as a legal necessity to renew the Autism CARES Act before September 30, 2019. Its legislative history begins in 2006 when President George W. Bush signed the Combating Autism Act into law (P.L. 109-416). The law’s goal was to provide a coordinated government response to the country’s substantial rise in people diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. It authorized the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee to coordinate government activities aimed at the illness while increasing public investment to meet the expanding needs of those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. In 2014, the bill was reauthorized as the Autism CARES Act (P.L. 113-157). It must be reauthorized by September 2019 in order for the legislation’s federal activities to continue (Autism Society, 2019). |
Federal or State? | Federal |
Legislative intent | Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Rep. Mike Doyle presented the bill as House Bill (H.R. 1058) in the House of Representatives. Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Mike Enzi (R-WY) presented Senate Bill (S. 427) in the Senate (R-WY). Legislative talks on the Bill are still underway, with suggestions to broaden and deepen the present model. The goal is to improve the National Institutes of Health’s efforts, with an emphasis on the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 284g), to boost autism research and close treatment gaps (Autism Society, 2019). |
Target population | The intended audience is those who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The goal is to enhance the quality of their treatment and results by funding research efforts that advance knowledge of the illness. |
Status of the bill (is it in hearings or committees? Is it receiving press coverage?) | The bill was introduced in the 116th Congress’s first session, and discussions are currently underway with a focus on amending the Public Health Service Act to enhance the activities of the National Institutes of Health with the goal of supporting autism spectrum disorder research and improving health care programs. Mr. Menendez and Mr. Enzi presented it to the Senate, where it was read twice and forwarded to the health committee. Legislators are bringing public attention to the Bill’s substance and purpose, which is garnering news coverage. Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Mike Doyle (D-PA), Chris Smith (R-NJ), and Bob Menedez (D-NJ) issued press releases to rally public support for the bill. Congressman Smith signed a letter in April 2019 supporting full financing for the bill. Other groups working to improve autism care are also bringing attention to the Bill. In May of this year, 35 national groups signed a letter of support for the bill. Later that month, a revised letter was submitted to request speedy consideration of the Bill (Autism Society, 2019). |
General notes/comments | The bill aims to offer comprehensive treatment for those who have autism spectrum condition. There is still fear that the deadline for reauthorizing the Bill is September 30, 2019, yet legislative discussion is still underway, implying that the Bill may not be reauthorized by that date. If the bill is reauthorized in its present form, it will result in significant improvements in the treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders. It would enhance infrastructure and monitoring, provide information on lifespan problems, find effective therapies and interventions, identify risk factors, provide biological information, and determine diagnostic and screening concerns. Overall, the Bill aims to enhance the treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders, but these advantages will only be achieved if it is reauthorized before the September 30th deadline (Autism Society, 2019). |
Part 2: Testimony/advocacy statement
In its present version as the Autism CARES Act of 2019, the law has to be reauthorized. This is because it aims to expand federal spending across all agencies dealing with meeting the growing requirements of people with autism spectrum disorders. If the bill is not reauthorized by September 30, 2019, efforts to treat autism spectrum diseases would be hampered, and previous advances will be reversed.
In fact, failure to reauthorise the Bill would deprive the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee of the ability to coordinate government activities focused on autism. This would make it more likely that efforts would be repeated and resources would be squandered. Aside from that, autism is a current worry since 1.67 per cent of children have the illness, which is a substantial population, and yet treatment attempts are hampered by a lack of knowledge, which is best addressed via study.
Significant progress would be noted in three categories if the bill were to pass. To begin, research activities would be synchronized by funding research via the National Institute of Health. Second, developing infrastructure at the CDC to streamline data and monitoring in order to monitor autism. Finally, assisting with training initiatives to address reported manpower shortages in screening, diagnostic, and treatment activities (Autism Society, 2019).
Despite the fact that the bill aims to enhance autism management, there is a valid fear that it would raise government health expenditure and the budget. This objection is in regard to Section 3 Part e of the Bill that changes appropriations authorization to boost money for federal programs. Two modifications to the Bill may be made to address this problem. The first amendment removes the provision that aims to increase government financing for autism management (repeal authorizations of appropriations), hence removing the federal deficit worries (Saba & McCormick, 2015).
The second amendment aims to raise funds from non-governmental and private sources that share the same health goals. This would guarantee that, even if federal cash is not utilized, the autism management initiatives outlined in the Bill remain funded (Feldstein, 2006). Overall, the Autism CARES Act of 2019 is valuable, and it might be enhanced to get more support if federal money is cut and non-government financing is sought instead.

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Additional content on Autism Cares Act of 2019.
- Autism Society (2019). Autism CARES Act Reauthorization (2019). Retrieved from https://www.autism-society.org/public-policy/autism-cares-act-reauthorization-2019/
- Feldstein, P. (2006). The politics of health legislation: an economic perspective (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
- Saba, V. & McCormick, K. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.