Milestone Four  Financial Plan ( Based on beauty salon) I
Milestone Four: Financial Plan ( Based on beauty salon) In 4-3 Final Project: Business Plan Milestone Four: Financial Plan, you will submit Milestone Four. The format should be: A financial plan in which you demonstrate that your business can be viable and profitable. Existing businesses can use historical data, whereas start-ups will use projections based on your ‘best estimates.’Your financial plan should include the following information:a) sources and uses of capital (where your money is coming from and how you are going to spend it).b) cash flow projection.c) balance sheet (assets owned and liabilities owed).d) profit-and-loss statement (sales revenues and expenses, either actual or estimated).e) break-even analysis (how much product you need to sell to cover your expenses). Submit your financial plan either in paragraph format or in chart format in one to two pages.