Mission/Vision Statement Ppt

Mission/Vision Statement Ppt: As a nursing leader you have been ask to assess the mission/vision statement of an organization…

Mission/Vision Statement Ppt

Develop a Microsoft PowerPoint® or OpenOffice Impress® presentation with 20 slides total: including an introductory slide, a reference slide and 18 content slides with an audio explanation and detailed speaker notes on all content slides.

As a nursing leader you have been ask to assess the mission/vision statement of an organization. Choose a Mission/Vision statement and create a PowerPoint presentation identifying components of the chosen Mission/Vision statement that clearly drive patient care and components that are cloudy or ambiguous. Provide alternate statements that clarify the Mission/Vision statement for quality healthcare delivery and ensure the Mission/Vision statement is disambiguous.


For this assignment, your Microsoft PowerPoint® or OpenOffice Impress® presentation must be 20 slides total, including an introductory slide, a reference slide and 18 content slides with an audio explanation and detailed speaker notes on all content slides. An example of what to include in a quality presentation is located in the Resources tab.

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Cathy, CS.