a research article on the topic relatedto Data Mining or D
a research article on the topic relatedto Data Mining or Data warehouse Submit a research draft on the topic selected. Read at least 5 papers relevant to topicselected. The article should contain the following sections: A. Introduction Section: You have to write at least one page introduction of the topicthat you have selected in your own words. The introduction should explain the topic insimple English.You can use models or diagrams to explain the topic that you have selected. This sectionshould not be more than two pages long. B. Literature section: In this section, you have to describe research papers about thetopic in your own words. The literature review provides the reader with a summary ofother research related to the topic. It also addresses questions that remain unansweredor require additional research. In general, this is also the section where the authors’research question is introduced, and hypotheses or anticipated results are stated.The articles that you select have to be some journal papers or conference proceedings.However, you cannot describe webpages as literature. At least 70% of the literatureselected should be published after 2011. All the articles should be properly referred inthe section.Do not copy any part of the article into your review. If you want to use more than 3-4of the author’s words, then use quotation marks, and add reference of the article C. Methods: In this section, you have to introduce and explain major applications ofthe topic, which are currently in use. You can use models or diagrams to explain theseapplications. This section of the research article should outline the methodology theauthor(s) used in conducting the study. Including information on methods used allowsreaders to determine whether the study used appropriate research methods for thequestion being investigated. D. Results: State research findings in this section. The results are often displayed usingtables, charts, graphs or figures along with a written explanation. E. Conclusion: In this section, you have to write one-two paragraph summary of yourwhole research in your own words. F. References: In this section, you have to give proper references of the literature thatyou have presented in section B. The format that you will use for writing references isIEEE format.The document format that you have to follow for this assignment is IEEE single columnformat for conference papers. This format is available on the following link;www.ece.utah.edu/~ece1270/_IEEE_Template_1col_2sp.doc