ORIGINAL WORK ONLY NO PLAGARISM! MUST FOLLOW FORMAT INCLUDED IN DISCUSSION. THIS IS NOT AN ESSAY.   Week 6 Discussion 1 ‘Agenda Setting’ Please respond to the following:·         Pick a policy and identify an official actor, an unofficial actor, and an interest group.  Discuss how each has used their power and influence to set the agenda for the policy. ·         Explain what role the media might play in overcoming the “second face of power.” Why does Birkland compare the third face of power to Marxist “False Consciousness”? Here is a checklist for you to consider as you construct responses for Discussion Question 6.1:>> Quality: Did you identify a relevant policy? (2 pts)>> Relevance: Did you explain the role of the various actors? (1 pts)>> Quality: Did you relate media and the second face of power? (2 pts)>> Relevance: Did you discuss the third face of power? (1 pts)>> Word Count/Grammar: Is your post written in academic language and not slang or jargon? (1 pts)>> Word Count/Grammar: Is your post longer than 250 words? (1 pts)>> Participation: Did you provide substantive responses to at least one other post? (2 pts)  Week 6 Discussion 2 ‘Lobbying’ Please respond to the following:·         Using the policy identify in Week 6 Discussion Question 1, identify the amount of money that the top three interest groups raised over the last five years. ·         Which of the three interest groups best leveraged their resources to affect public policy?  Here is a checklist for you to consider as you construct responses for Discussion Question 6.2:>> Quality: Did you use the Week 6 policy? (2 pts)>> Relevance: Did you identify the money raised by top interest groups? (1 pts)>> Quality: Did you identify the interest group that leveraged resources the best? (2 pts)>> Relevance: Did you describe the impact this group had on public policy? (1 pts)>> Word Count/Grammar: Is your post written in academic language and not slang or jargon? (1 pts)>> Word Count/Grammar: Is your post longer than 250 words? (1 pts) >> Participation: Did you provide substantive responses to at least one other post? (2 pts)

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Cathy, CS.