Nursing Professionalism
Nursing Professionalism: In this assignment, the student will explore the history and characteristics of nursing professionalism…
Nursing Professionalism
In this assignment, the student will explore the history and characteristics of nursing professionalism. is nursing a profession? According to the textbook (Beth Perry Black. (2020). Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges (9th ed.). Elsevier/Saunders.) (chapters 3-5) Different criteria and behaviors characterize a profession.
Examples include service/altruism, accountability, autonomy, specialized training and knowledge, research, competency, self-regulation, ethical conduct, and a professional organization. In current nursing literature, what examples can you find that demonstrate these criteria in nursing practice? present a case for the recognition of nursing as a profession.
in a 4 to 5 page APA format, the student will address the issue of nursing professionalism.
-introduction: briefly describes the history and development of nursing as a profession
-discuss how nursing demonstrates at least three characteristics/behaviors of a profession -provides examples from current nursing literature.

-describes one barrier to the recognition of nursing as a profession
-conclusion: discuss the current role nurses can play in advancing the profession of nursing
**4-5 pages in APA format (excluding title and reference page)
**includes 5 current and credible references – 3 must be peer-reviewed nursing journal articles