On File Bus-FP3011__Assessment 2.2-Attempt 2… there should

On File Bus-FP3011__Assessment 2.2-Attempt 2… there should be more content .. this is what the instructor provided as feedback..’The Reflection paper you have submitted is too brief and lacking in substance. Make sure it addresses all items listed in the Assignment instructions.’Here is the Instructions. Write a 1–2 page reflection analyzing the revised organizational charts you just completed, addressing the following questions:How does the revised organizational structure (including the new chain of command) influence the role of management in each functional area?What research did you use to support your work in arriving at new organizational structure? Use APA style and formatting to cite your sources. What current or past experience did you draw from for this assessment, if any?———The 2 charts provided have instrucitons to add postions to the chart and write a paragragh on why they were added. THe two charts are attached. The positons can be duplicated if need be, for instance within the HR Chart. Examine the organizational chart to determine where the new staff resources are to be assigned.Revise the organizational chart to reflect the allocation of staff resources to be added.At the bottom of the revised organizational chart, write a brief justification for your decisions.—————————————–On File Bus-FP3011__Assessment 3.0-Attempt 2… there should be more content .. this is what the instructor provided as feedback..’I enjoyed reviewing your work. However, it is much too brief and lacking in substance. It does not address some of the assignment criteria. For example, the assignment instructions asked you to “consider a management situation that you either directly experienced, or which occurred in a context familiar to you” and I did not see such an example or description provided.’Here are the instructions:Conduct independent research to familiarize yourself with the differences between management and leadership. You may find the materials listed in the Suggested Resources for this assessment helpful, or you may refer to other resources. Complete a 1–2-page analysis that addresses the following questions: What are differences between management and leadership? Compare the roles of the manager and the leader in relation to concepts of leading.Consider a management situation that you either directly experienced, or which occurred in a context familiar to you. Analyze the leadership and management characteristics or attributes that contributed to the effectiveness of the manager. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You should be turning 4 documents back into me. Two1-2 page papers and also the Two charts with the added content. Let em know if you have any further quesitons. Attachments: bus-fp3011__assessment-2.2-attempt-2.docx cf_org_chart_human_resources_3.docx cf_org_chart_sales_and_marketing_2.docx bus-fp3011__assessment-3.0-attempt-2.docx

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Cathy, CS.