One There has been a movement in the last decadeencouraging
One: There has been a movement in the last decadeencouraging people to “buy American.” Discuss the legal and ethical issuesrelated to boycotting goods from other countries. What are the practicalbusiness implications of such a move? Two: TheWorld Trade Organization, or WTO, is the largest and most influential of thetrade organizations. China and other heavy counterfeiting nations are part ofthis group. What could WTO-participating nations do to address the problems ofcounterfeiting? What should they do? Three: The United Nations Security Council, the main decision-making body atthe UN, is comprised of five regular members: China, France, the RussianFederation, the United Kingdom and the United States. Ten more members areelected from the General Assembly. Given the make-up of the committee, whattype of action might the UN take with regard to the counterfeiting issue?