paper paper
I’m working on a Art & Design question and need guidance to help me study.
– Design
Type of service:
Research Paper
Double spacing
Paper format:
Number of pages:
2 pages
Number of sources:
3 sources
Paper detalis:
The purpose of this project is to evaluate a design movement from the time period we are studying in the course. Discuss a period that is during the time we are studying in the course. For the 2 hybrid digital/ manual sketches, and add some descriptions for them. Each sketch must include notations with arrows describing the design. I upload some lecture slides for you to refer the time period。mentioned where did you find the pictures The essay should be 2-page paper , and use double space. Sketch pictures chould not be counted into the words. If you use two sketches, and they account for one page. The article should be 3 pages because sketch pictures occupy one page. the subject you choose should be in specific time period, such as Arts and Craft/Mission (1880 to1920)'s furniture. You just need to help me find 2 2 hybrid digital/ manual sketches , and each sketch must include notations with arrows describing the design. If the picture you find does not have enough description, please add some description, so I can follow what you did to do the sketch again. sources are not required, if you use any sources, please follow MLA format.