Personality Disorders Discussion.
Personality Disorders Discussion. Please read the article from the Atlantic (When your child is a Psychopath) and answer the following bel…
Personality Disorders Discussion
The chapter on Personality Disorders (150 Words)
Please read the article from the Atlantic (When your child is a Psychopath) and answer the following below. Please see this embedded in the PP slides under the Personality Chapter or find here:
a-what were the main points?,
b-what stood out as interesting to you and/or what did you learn from this?
c-How does it relate to textbook readings?
d-what questions do you have?
Chapter on Disorders of Childhood/ Disorders of Aging
Disorders of Childhood. (150 Words)
In reading chapter 17, about the causes and treatment of some of the disorders, select one disorder that we discussed in class: ODD, CD, ADHD, DMDD, or Autism spectrum, take on the role of a therapist and pretend that you did an initial intake and evaluation with the child and now you are about to have a consultation and feedback session with the parents. What would you say to them about their child from your kowledge of these disorders and about how to help them. be as specific as possible and please include some information from the textbook to support your answers.
Aging: (100 Words)
In reading Chapter 18, please answer the following questions:
what are the specific stressors unique to elderly individuals and how do disorders like depression, anxiety, and substance use differ in this population than in younger populations? Which elders are most at risk for developing disorders such as these in late life and why? Also, look through the interactive Brain tour about a brain with Alzheimer\’s Disease that is part of the Alzheimer\’s Association (the link is embedded in the slides) and share what you found interesting.
Personality Disorders
The article ‘When your Child is a Psychopath’ by Hagerty (2017) describes a mental health disorder presenting with unemotional and callous traits that render individuals psychopaths in adulthood. This information features Samantha’s psychopathic journey since Danny and Jen adopted her at two years old. Like Samantha, unemotional and callous children are devoid of emotions, lack empathy, are aggressive, cruel, and portray indifference to punishment. During infancy, Samantha began to show the need for attention. Later she enjoyed hurting her siblings and others kids at school. A New York based psychiatrist diagnosed her condition in 2013 July, and she began therapy at San Marcos treatment Centre where she has spent most of her lifetime.
I was interested to learn that nature and nurture are key leading paths to psychopathy. Some children’s environment, growing up in dangerous cities, abusive parents, and poverty turned them coldhearted and violent. I learned that if these children are pulled out from these harsh environments, their situation could be improved and monitored. However, other unemotional traits are inherited from parents. Similar to other conditions in the textbook, such as ADHD, callous and unemotional disorders progress and cause deficits in adulthood. Besides the reward system, as the primary form of treatment to adjust children’s callous behavior, are there any medications appropriate to treat the mentioned disorder? How does the treatment center intervene for individuals who have relapsed after their treatment?
Disorders of Childhood-
The assessment revealed the child has Autism that may result from birth complications or abnormal brain development. It is also highly associated with genetic factors. It can be diagnosed as early as three years after childbirth. The disorder presents with a child’s impaired interaction, unresponsiveness, communication deficits, and repetitive traits and habits. Despite the condition progressing to adulthood, it can be improved. Teach the child about social interaction and courtesy. Train the child on desirable behavioral traits such as teaching the child polite ways of asking for things. Train the child on self-dependency, such as performing activities of daily living such as feeding, toileting, bathing, and dressing. It is essential to develop mutual trust with the child for better interaction during behavioral training.
Older people are prone to depression compared to old individuals. The common stressors for the old include death of a loved one or a partner and retirement. Notably, individuals with chronic illnesses such as heart diseases, stroke, and cancers are likely to have depressive symptoms like confusion, inability to sleep and eat. Thus, chronic diseases render the old population sad and anxious. In addition, older people may develop regrets for not achieving their dreams, leading to depression. Correspondingly, Alzheimer’s disease is a nervous system disorder associated with the older populations compared to young ones. As one ages, the brain cells atrophy and degenerate, leading to dementia, limiting the thinking capacity, social skills, and ability to function independently.

Hagerty, B. B. (2017). WHEn YOUr CHILD IS A PSYCHOPATH. Retrieved from