Practice Improvement Model
Practice Improvement Model: Practice Improvement Model using Current Nursing Leadership Strengths and Philosophy CC2…
1. Practice Improvement Model using Current Nursing Leadership Strengths and Philosophy CC2. c
Each student is asked to consider their leadership growth and evolution in their own practice improvement model of nursing as well as their leadership strengths as identified in QSEN ( The reflection should be 3-5 pages of the body and cover the following areas.
1. Overview of your current professional leadership strengths and nursing philosophy. (use your leadership strengths assessment in your discussion)

1. Lessons learned to date pertaining to nursing leadership. (what situations or lessons learned which has significantly improved your practice).
1. Utilizing the concepts listed below.
1. Describe specific areas that you would like to focus on to attain your (use personal goals in professional development).
1. There should three to five references.
1. The reflection should be APA 7th edition format.