Procedure Report THYRUID ULTRASOUND HISTORY: 61yearold with suspected thyroid issues FINDINGS: Here are no prior studies for comparison. There are…

2. Procedure Report THYRUID ULTRASOUNDHISTORY: 61—year—old with suspected thyroid issues FINDINGS: Here are no prior studies for comparison. There are multiple bflateral small anechoic and hypoechoiclesions of both lobes of the thyroid with the largest measun’ng no more than approximately 5 mm in greatestdimension. Most of the lesions appear to be cystic in nature with some complex septations or features. A small lesionat the inferior pole of the right lobe is not clearly cystic or complex cystic in nature and may represent a small solid nodule. This measures, however, no more than approximately 4 mm in greatest dimension. Because of the multiplicityof the findings and the size, simple imaging follow-up beginning at 6 months is recommended. Overall, the right lobemeasures 1.4 X 1.6 X 4.5 cm and the left lobe measures 1.3 X 1.4 K 3.5 cm. MRESSIUN: Multiple small bilateral thyroid lesions likely representing complex cysts or smedl solid nodules. Sixmonth follow—up thyroid ultrasound is recommended to confirm stability.

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Cathy, CS.