Provide a 150 word response to this please1. Many have said

Provide a 150 word response to this please:1. Many have said that while Erasmuslaid the egg, Luther hatched it. Indeed, much of Erasmus’s work was usedas building blocks by Luther. Both Erasmus, the Dutch Renaissancehumanist, and Luther, the German monk who struggled to find assurance ofsalvation, saw the issues in the corrupt Church of their day. Both sawthe leaders of the Church abusing their powers and were greatlyinfuriated over this, and both wanted to do something about this evil.One of Erasmus’s aims was to bring popes, cardinals, and bishops back tothe early days of the church. He felt that the clergy reduced religiousceremonies to mere habit and advocated that Christians strive toemulate Jesus more in their daily lives. Luther wanted to go back evenfurther, to the way things were in biblical times. In many ways, Erasmusinfluenced Luther’s demand for return to the Scriptures. Both Erasmusand Luther saw the corruption in the church, but each advocated for adifferent style of reform. Because of their different views on certaindoctrinal issues, Erasmus thought to solve it with humanisticenlightenment, whereas Luther dug even more deeply into Scriptures foranswers. It is partially thanks to this that the Reformation was sofirmly based on the Word of God. Although Luther is known as the fatherof the Reformation, it is Erasmus who is known as the intellectualfather of the Reformation. The biggest reason for this is probablyErasmus and Luther’s differing personalities. Erasmus was known for hiscompassionate nature and his dislike of contention, while Luther had adogmatic personality and often needed to be restrained in his publiclife by his good friend Melanchthon. Erasmus had a need for friendshipand agreement.Provide a 150 word response to this please:BothChina and Spain (together with Portugal) were pioneers in the rise ofthe first modern wave of globalization. The Manila Galleon, also knownin Spanish as the “Nao de China,” was its most visible symbol.Mostremarkably, ever since that early encounter, both countries’ fortunesfollowed a similar pattern. They transitioned from their peak of gloryto decline and now both are experiencing a kind of re-emergence.  Fromthe  Eurocentric point of view, the Age of Exploration is considered tobe the starting point of modernity and the herald of western supremacyover the rest of the world.  Butas we move from a Eurocentric to a global perspective, there is anotherway of telling the story. The early European expansion pioneered bySpain and Portugal was part of a larger narrative. Europe out from along period of introspection and limited contacts with other cultures.But they were also doing something far more important than that. Theywere connecting worlds that had remained apart.  Forsure, dislocated regional networks had existed before the Iberians,partially linking centers of civilization with one another. The overlandSilk Roads or the maritime trading routes between the Muslim world andEast Asia were precursors of a proto-globalization.  On the other sideof the world, China had spearheaded efforts from the East to stitchtogether some of those fragmented networks.(JUST MAKE SURE I CAN DECIPHER WHICH RESPONSE ANSWER IS TO WHAT RESPONSE FROM MY CLASSMATE THANKS)

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Cathy, CS.