Psy- Discussions
Psy- Discussions: Please read the articles titled, \\\”The truths about depressives and cognitions\\\” and \\\”an unquiet mind\\\” which you will find in the mood disorders folder under supplementary articles…
Psy- Discussions
Paper details
Discussion 1
Please respond to the following:
Please read the articles titled, \\\”The truths about depressives and cognitions\\\” and \\\”an unquiet mind\\\” which you will find in the mood disorders folder under supplementary articles.
– What did you learn?
-what did you find interesting? surprising, if anything?
-What connections could you make between what was in the article and the concepts data discussed in class and in your textbooks. Also, what main points are made about depression in the brief documentary I am asking you to watch below: – Inside the Mind of Rampage Killer? … what are all the nature and nurture factors discussed in the film? see below for the film link. It is a 10-minute clip.
Discussion 2
Hello everyone. Under supplementary articles, there is an article which is a chapter from a well-known book called, \\\”the boy who could not stop washing his hands\\\”. It is titled, \\\”the patient speaks\\\”. Please read this and also please watch the video embedded in the PP slides about a patient with OCD and how his therapist started working with him. See the link below.
Share your thoughts about both.
-What did you learn?
-what deeper understanding do you now have about what is might be like
to live with OCD?
-What surprised you? Are there other disorders this might look like?
– How would you treat this? Please speak about a cognitive behavioral approach you may want to try after doing the reading.
Discussion 3
Your textbook discusses several ways that culture, gender or social, and class factors influence our mental health and behavior. Choose two of these factors and discuss in detail how they are connected with eating disorders we have been discussing and how they factor into treatment and diagnosis, etc.
Support your answers with data from the textbook and show your reading of the Margaret Cho article. Also, there is a video in your slides from this chapter about Bulemia in men(embedded in the PP slides). Please try to watch this one or the one I am including here below about body image and you can incorporate it into your response. It is a TedTalk from 2014 called, Killing us Softly, the dangerous ways that ads see women.
Discussion 4
Based on the supplementary article, “The Quiet Room” (see Supplementary Articles), please answer the following: What is meant as the Quiet Room?, What were the main points of the article? What could schizophrenia get possibly misdiagnosed as? Any ways your views about schizophrenia/ inpatient hospitals changed after reading this? Generally speaking, what stood out for you? What did you learn and what connections could you make between the article and what information you read about in your textbook, etc.
Also… for ONE of the articles below, please comment on the following:
a-what were the main points?,
b-what stood out as interesting to you and/or what did you learn from this?
c-How does it relate to textbook readings?
d-what questions do you have?
1. An article from the NY times entitled, \”An alternative form of mental health care gains a foothold\” about schizophrenia
2.. An article from Psychology today about Radical Acceptance as a treatment method