Requirementsto modify this paperEditmy researchTheresearch n

Requirementsto modify this paperEditmy researchTheresearch needs to be edited is attached and named Razan.1) You need toread the whole research in the beginning in order to understand the concept,goals, and issues before you start working on it. Please note, this is anevaluation for public program research proposal. So, in the analysis part, Ineeds to explain what I am going to do step by step but there is no actualresults.2) You need to editmy writing. This include Sentences structure, Grammar, and Spilling. Youalso have to modify some words if you see that they used wrongly, and replaceit with another word, so you can modify my sentences and my writing in academicand professional way but Basic English at the same time.3) For the Abstract,write it as a paragraph instead of the points I have made. Also complete what Idid not do it, such as how results can be reached and recommendations. 4) Do the table ofcontent and list of figures as well.5) Organize thelook for this paper and make it ready to be submitted.6) Do not rely onlyon the information I have write, I just made this paper in one day, so someinformation needs to be improved and you can add more. 7) Organize the titlesin this paper, what come first and what come second and so on.8) Based on whatdid you understand from the description of the program and goals of my research,please modify me logic model.9) Work heavily inthe theories behind this research part, because I did not work on them. I justwort something I remembered.10)  Modify the way the research questions and hypothesis style and wayto sating it if they stated wrongly.11)  In the Literature review, I did not do enough studies.Please find 3 studies about the relationship between training and improvingskills which lead to good performance in put it in the beginning of mine.12)  I do not think that I wrote the Literaturereview correctly, the style and information please modify accordingly.13)  In the data analysis, please write how to test the hypothesis basedon the Likert survey I have made.14)  Please look at all sentence in the liker survey, and see ifsomething needs to be added or modified.15)  Please not this is study is like proposal so I did not make actualresult. Please write both way how results can be if negative or positive is.How can you explain the results?16)  Work more on my conclusion and recommendation.17)  If you see anything I did wrong please modify?18)  You need to highlight and tell me what did you modified.19)   Please find attachedinstructions from the professor to write this paper and organize accordingly.20)  There is attached sample my friend did it.

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Cathy, CS.