Research Critique and PICOT Statement Paper Example
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Research critique and PICOT statement paper example
Benchmark: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Draft
The health services enhance the patients’ quality of life, which is the primary objective of every healthcare system. However, modern healthcare facilities face numerous challenges, such as medication errors and patient falls (Chapman, Spetz, Seago, Kaiser, & Dower, 2009). The purpose of this paper is to revise the PICOT statement, provide an article critique, and implement an evidence-based change in nursing practice. The paper will also establish the relationship between the PICOT question, the nursing practice problem, and the research articles.
The PICOT Statement
Population or the problem
An increase in cases of medical errors and falls has become a common phenomenon in modern healthcare systems. Patients visit health care facilities in order to receive care that can enhance their quality of life. However, falls and medical errors add more medical complications. The existing empirical findings have associated these challenges with a high nurse-to-patient ratio (Tubbs-Cooley, Cimiotti, Silber, Sloane & Aiken, 2013). Therefore, this study addresses the link between the nurse-to-client ratio and the risk of falls or medication errors that affect the population of patients in the medical surgery units.
The intervention proposed in this study is a reduction in the nurse-to-patient ratio. Studies have shown that a decrease in the number of patients who are served by each nurse per day lowers fatigue, stress, and overall burnout among these healthcare providers, which helps them deliver quality services (Cimiotti, Aiken, Sloane & Wu, 2012). This reduces the adverse events and the risk of falls among patients in the surgery units.
Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example. The aforementioned intervention will be compared with a case where no treatment or corrective measures are taken to address the problem of medication errors. It would be anticipated that this problem will increase medication errors.
Outcome and time
By increasing the number of nurses, the health care facility will be able to reduce medication errors. This positive outcome will be achieved following a reduction in nurse burnout (Cimiotti et al., 2012). These outcomes will be measured over a period of six months.
The PICOT question:
In the population of patients in the medical surgery unit (P), what is the effect of a reduction in the nurse-to-patient ratio (I), on medication errors (O) compared with no treatment (C) within a period of six months (T)?
The research critique and PICOT statement paper example
According to Tubbs-Cooley et al. (2013), the patient-to-nurse staffing ratio in hospitals is linked to quality upshots in adult patient groups. In pediatric treatment, however, nothing is known about the link. The research set out to fill this information gap in order to enhance patient outcomes and healthcare delivery. As a consequence, they focused on the relationship between the staff-to-patient ratio and the reason for the readmission of children hospitalized to hospitals for common surgical and medical illnesses.
The study’s relevance was demonstrated by the authors’ demonstration that the quality of inpatient treatment may influence children’s hospital readmission. They pointed out that just a few studies have looked at the link between hospital system factors and child readmission. The goal of the research was to see whether there was a link between hospital nurse staffing ratios and readmission rates among children hospitalized for general surgical and medical illnesses.
“To what degree are nurse staffing levels connected to readmission of children hospitalized for common surgical and medical conditions?” was the research question that the study intended to address. The purpose is connected to and comes from the research topic.
Study Methodology
The researchers utilized a cross-sectional observational approach. The authors’ goal was to establish a representative sample by collecting a cross-section of the population of youngsters, thus answering the study question was suitable. They didn’t interfere; instead, they intended to keep track of the research participants’ health and behaviour.
The authors were unable to pinpoint a certain point of view from which the research was conducted. The authors referenced research that was both qualitative and quantitative in nature and was pertinent to the investigation. They highlighted research on patient-specific characteristics and hospital readmission, for example, to demonstrate that few studies have looked at the link between hospital system elements and readmission among children.
With the exception of two internet papers, the writers mostly relied on journal articles. Some of the references were up to date, while others were almost five years old. The authors failed to evaluate or describe the research’s limitations. The literature review provided enough evidence to justify the study’s importance and demonstrate the research’s prospective advantages. The author created a framework to emphasize the study’s descriptive results. Patient sample qualities and sample distribution across hospital features are two examples.
Study Findings
The study’s results revealed that for children hospitalised for common diseases, the patient-to-nurse ratio and the likelihood of readmission from fifteen to thirty days following release are critical. Children who were admitted to hospitals that met the pediatric staffing standard had a lower risk of being readmitted. The conclusion for nurses is that having four or fewer children on their caseload may prevent readmission.
The results add to nursing expertise by emphasizing the necessity of a proper nurse-to-patient ratio and are part of a quality-of-care campaign. They would vastly enhance practice since they need nurses’ capacity to devote real attention and time to such attempts. It would have an influence on administration and education since it is fresh information that necessitates the employment of additional nurses in order to fulfil a goal of one nurse per four patients or less.
Considerations in Ethics
The research was authorized by the University of Pennsylvania’s Institutional Review Board. As a consequence, it was carried out ethically in order to reduce the chance of damage while yet providing a benefit (Miller, Mauthner, Birch & Jessop, 2012). Patients’ privacy was preserved since the researchers did not provide any personal information. There were no ethical concerns about the therapy, or the lack thereof.
The conclusion supports the thesis statement by demonstrating that a lower nurse-to-patient ratio leads to better results. According to the research, reducing the number of patients per nurse improves patient outcomes. As a result, adequate personnel numbers are required. In most hospitals, a larger nurse-to-patient ratio has a significant negative impact on the quality of care provided.
Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change
In the medical-surgical unit, where medication mistakes are highly common, this research advises that the nurse-to-patient ratio be decreased from the present 1:8 to the obligatory 1:5. The establishment of mandated ratios helps both nurses and patients, according to empirical investigations. According to the results of research done by Chapman et al., (2009), the mandated nurse-to-patient ratio reduces medication mistakes and falls rates.
Because they serviced a fair number of patients, these outcomes were linked to an increase in registered nurses’ satisfaction. As a consequence, the overall quality of treatment and patient satisfaction improved. Similar research found that increasing the number of nurses at a pediatric institution lowered readmission rates (Tubbs-Cooley et al., 2013).
This shift was attributed to the fact that having the right ratio of healthcare professionals to patients helps nurses better monitor patients’ status and improve discharge planning. Based on this data, it is clear that the health care facility will be able to decrease hospitalized patients’ falls and medication mistakes.
The Link between PICOT Statement, Research Article, and the Nursing Practice Problem
Medication mistakes and falls among hospitalized patients are the key nursing practice issues addressed in the research. The PICOT question is connected to this practice issue. The study’s goal was to see whether there was a relationship between medication mistakes and the nurse-to-patient ratio, as stated in the PICOT question. As a result, the PICOT inquiries strive to resolve the underlying practice issues.
In addition, the paper “An Observational Research of Nurse Staffing Ratios and Hospital Readmission among Children Admitted for Common Conditions” detailed the results of an observational study done to assess the association between nurse staffing ratios and readmission rates. The article is about a nursing dilemma and a PICOT query. According to the conclusions of the research mentioned in the article, lowering the nurse staffing ratio enhances care quality and reduces readmission rates.
Similarly, according to the findings of an article titled “How have mandated nurse staffing ratios affected hospitals?” mandatory staffing ratios reduce nurse overload, which improves patient safety (Chapman et al, 2009). These findings respond to the PICOT issue by demonstrating that a healthcare institution may increase the quality of treatment by hiring additional nurses, which will go a long way toward lowering the number of patients served at any given moment by each healthcare professional. The rate of medication errors and falls among hospitalized patients are two of the most important indicators of quality care.
Most significantly, the fact that the publications’ results reveal how lowering the nurse staffing ratio might reduce fall rates and prescription mistakes indicates that the study addressed the underlying practice issue. According to the results of this study, decreasing the nurse staffing ratio improves patient safety, as seen by a decrease in medication mistakes and a decrease in readmission rates (Tubbs-Cooley et al., 2013). As a result, the PICOT question, the papers, and the nursing practice issue are all linked.
A decrease in nurse staffing ratio is a realistic strategy that a health care institution might explore if it wants to lower the risk of falls and medication mistakes among hospitalized patients. This evidence-based treatment tackles the underlying practice issue by lowering nurse burnout and enhancing health care provider satisfaction. Most significantly, nurses who care for a small number of patients are able to focus on their patients’ individual requirements, reducing the likelihood of prescription mistakes.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is a Picot problem statement?
PICOT is an acronym that stands for Population/ Patient Problem: What is the name of your patient? (Illness or health condition, age, race, and gender) What are your plans for the patient’s treatment? (Exact testing, treatments, and drugs) What are the alternatives to your strategy?
2. What are the 5 elements of PICOT questions?
- P (Patient, population or problem)
- I (Intervention)
- C (Comparison or control)
- O (Outcome or objective)
- T (Time frame)
3. What is a research critique?
A critique is a method of critically analyzing a piece of research in order to emphasize both its merits and faults, as well as its relevance to practice. Professionals often need to be able to identify the best current practice, and the capacity to analyze and use published research is crucial to this.
Supplementary content on research critique and PICOT statements.
Chapman, A., Spetz, J., Seago, J., Kaiser, J. & Dower, C. (2009). How have mandated nurse staffing ratios affected hospitals? Perspectives from California Hospital leaders. Journal of Healthcare Management, 54 (5), 321-335. Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example
Cimiotti, P., Aiken, H. Sloane, M. & Wu, S. (2012). Nurse staff, burnout, and health care association infection. American Journal of Infection Control, 40 (6), 486-490.
Tubbs-Cooley, H., Cimiotti, J., Silber, J., Sloane, D. & Aiken, L. (2013). An Observational Study of Nurse Staffing Ratios and Hospital Readmission among Children admitted for Common Condition. BMJ Qual Saf, 22: 735-742.