Response paper about a play named Sunset Baby (US society and Race issue)
I need help with a Sociology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
You must write a response paper for EACH of the required shows. All papers written in response to a live performance must be TWO (2) FULL pages, 1.5 spacing, 12 pt Times New Roman font. They should include a BRIEF (1 paragraph) plot synopsis, a thorough assessment of the racial/ cultural/ sexual ideology in the play, discussion of cultural/ historical/ racial significance in our society today as well as historically, and parallels that can be made to “in-class” reading, projects, and lecture topics, as applicable.
The Play named Sunset Baby by DOMINIQUE MORISSEAU, I should be there and watch, but my schedule was crash with the show time.
Now I find the stage play-script in attachment files.
Just reading the play script first, and try to imagine that you were the person who watched show. and write a response paper