Security is an essential element in modern operating system

Security is an essential element in modern operating system design. An open and unprotected TCP/IP port can present a significant network operating system vulnerability. In the first portion of your post, you will investigate and describe the security status of your operating system. Using an available workstation, execute one of the following commands on your Windows, OS X, or Linux workstation to determine the status of its TCP ports.Windows:netstat -np tcpLinux:netstat -atOS X:netsat -p tcpIn the second portion of your post, explain what you found based upon what your operating system reports. For the third and final portion of your post, perform an internet search to determine what elements of SANS 20 you could leverage to reduce the TCP/IP vulnerabilities of your workstation. Report your findings to the class.Refer to this : 2-3 pages with screen shots of cmd prompt and do not copy and paste. Would prefer for Windows os.Already lost a day waiting for a tutor who told is working on the question and not bothered to do it.

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Cathy, CS.