Self-Portrait ( presentation )

Help me study for my Powerpoint class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Each student will create a 5-10 minute presentation that conveys the essence of their “self” through art. At least 5 works should be chosen. You will need to

  • present the art (via narrated PowerPoint, narrated Prezi, or video), MAKE SURE IT IS FULLY NARRATED AND ON AUTO PLAY so the viewer doesn’t have to click on every slide. One of the easiest ways to do this is to create your PowerPoint with the embedded narration and all transitions and then export it as a video.
  • tell us about the art (artist, when it was created, define the type of art, gives us some context about how it was created)
  • explain how/why it represents you
  • identify a social angle for each work AND do a thorough contextual analysis
    • race and ethnicity
    • gender and sexuality
    • class and highbrow/lowbrow
    • colonialism, postcolonialism, place and regionalism
    • nature (environment, ecology) and culture
    • memory, history, generational identity
    • food culture
    • body and mind

You can use ANY type of art covered in our class, including the performing arts (play, dance, music) that are in Module 3. The WHY it represents you is the most important part of the project. Each student is also required to find something in common with another student based upon self-portraits and to identify that “something in common” in a discussion comment of at least 50 words.

The Self-Portrait is worth up to 40 points. The “something in common” comment is worth up to 5 points for a total of 45 points for this assignment.

Self-Portrait Scoring Rubric

EXAMPLE: Here are videos files containing Self-Portrait presentations from a previous semester. While these presentations may not have earned 100%, they definitely earned an “A” and should help give you an idea of what is expected.

Example 1Play media comment.

Example 2


  1. Start by sharing the instructions of your paper with us  
  2. And then follow the progressive flow.
  3. Have an issue, chat with us now


Cathy, CS.