“Texting crackdown appears dead–again.”
Florida has one of the weakest texting while driving laws in the country. It is a secondary law which limits the enforcement of the policy. Lawmakers have tried for the past several years to change the law into a primary law, but have failed to pass the legislation. Read the article “Texting crackdown appears dead–again.” However, Florida’s seat belt law is a primary law. Research the differences in the effectiveness of primary and secondary seat belt as well as texting while driving laws on the prevention of motor-vehicle injuries and fatalities. Explain how epidemiologic studies influenced the development of current seat belt and texting while driving laws. Describe how effective primary seat belt laws have been successful in reducing injuries and fatalities. What is the difference in the effectiveness of primary and secondary seat belt laws? Should Florida update its current texting while driving laws? Use data to support the answers to each of the questions. Cite your sources within the body of your paper and include a reference page using APA format. Instructions: The assignment must fully answer all questions using data to support your ideas. Cite your sources within the body of your paper. The paper should be a minimum of two full pages long not counting your reference page. Include references in APA format.