Thanks for helping me, I really need A+ on this essay.You ca

Thanks for helping me, I really need A+ on this essay.You can see about the book ‘Dreaming in Cuban’ written by Cristina Garcia thorugh some websites such as of the essay:How does the character Lourdes Puente in Cristina Garcia’s novel Dreaming in Cuban experience exile from Cuba to the United States? Thesis will be your concrete answer to this question, including naming three ways Lourdes experiences exile. When we talk about how someone experiences exile, we want to think about these issues: 1. What led the person to go into exile form the home country? And so, what circumstances led Lourdes to go into exile from Cuba to the United States? What was happening in Cubato her country, to her family, and to her directly? 2. How does the person feel about the new country? And so, what do we know about how Lourdes feels about the United States? What does she do and say that SHOWS us how she feels about her new life? 3. How does the person view the country he or she fled? And so, what do we know about how Lourdes feels about Cuba? What does she do and say that SHOWS us how she feels about Cuba when she returns for a visit? Your essay should answer these questions, each question answered in ONE body paragraph. This means the OUTLINE of your essay should be as follows below:NOTE: each small letter is a sentence NOTE: all the paragraphs should be LONGER than five sentences NOTE: each body paragraph should have only one or two quotes, you decide WHERE NOTE: Your quotes in this essay should come from throughout the book to show that you did ALL the reading.  I. Introduction            a. hookb. thesis (including stating the author and title of the book – remember to put the book title in italics only)            c. three-sentence summary of the novel            d. a transition sentence that leads to the topic of the first body paragraph II. Body 1: topic is __________________            a. topic sentence that gives an overview of the paragraph            b. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            c. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            d. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            e. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            f. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            g. transition to the next topic by linking the topic of this paragraph to the next idea III. Body 2: topic is __________________            a. topic sentence that gives an overview of the paragraph            b. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            c. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            d. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            e. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            f. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            g. transition to the next topic by linking the topic of this paragraph to the next idea IV. Body 3: topic is __________________            a. topic sentence that gives an overview of the paragraph            b. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            c. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            d. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            e. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            f. a detail about the topic, example from the text (could be a quote, or paraphrase)            g. transition to the next topic by linking the topic of this paragraph to the next idea V. Conclusion            a. restate thesis            b-g. write five to six sentences in which you connect to Lourdes, share your own experiences with leaving a country behind, OR share your opinion about Lourdes’ experiences and story  THOUGHTS ABOUT LOURDES  Remember that we have listed NUMEROUS quotes where we see how Lourdes feels about Cuba, starting early in the book when we first meet Lourdes in the third chapter. We learn even more when Pilar heads for Miami in chapter 4. Think back to where we learn about how the Cuban Revolution effected Lourdes’ family and about the rape she survived. Think about what Lourdes does when she comes to New York. What does she call her bakery? How does she envision the future of her bakery? Who does she invite to attend gatherings at her bakery? Think about how Lourdes reacts to being in Cuba. What does she say? What does Pilar tell us about Lourdes’ reactions to Cuba.  FROM WIKIPEDIA SUMMARY OF THE THEME OF EXILE You cannot quote from this, but use this brief summary to help you understand the topic. ExileThis novel explores the impact that exile has on those in exile and those left behind. The exile in the novel reflects the real exile experienced by thousands of Cubans, as the Puente family flees Cuba in the wake of the revolution just as many did in 1961. Celia acutely feels the absence of her granddaughter in Cuba, and she is saddened by the nomadic existence of her children, but she is powerless to change these things. Lourdes uses the exile as an attempt to ignore her past in Cuba and bury the memory of her rape. Her vision of Cuba is frozen at that point in the past. Only in her return to Cuba is Lourdes able to revisit the memory of her rape and her lost child. Pilar grows up with a longing to return to her grandmother in Cuba without knowing the reality of life in Cuba beyond her memories. She too is powerless for a long time to reach Cuba—even her attempt at running away fails. She is distanced further from her family roots and her cultural heritage due to her mother’s unwillingness to speak of them. This distance is exemplified by Pilar’s distance from the Spanish language, as she only is able to dream in Spanish after she makes a return visit to Cuba. Lourdes Puente: Lourdes is the eldest child of Celia and Jorge, the wife of Rufino, and the mother of Pilar. After beginning her exile in the U.S., Lourdes becomes an entrepreneur, owning her own bakery. She is a strong supporter of capitalism and U.S. patriotism, and she despises El Líder and what he has done to Cuba.

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Cathy, CS.