The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life” Ted Talk (by Benjamin Hardy)
I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.
Link to the video available here:
Be sure that your responses are adequately thorough and detailed. Some of the answers may just be fill-in the blank while others clearly require more detail and full sentences. It might be helpful to take notes while watching the video in order to appropriately answer the questions below. Keep in mind that the questions are asked in order of the video’s progression, making it easier to identify the answer.
Most of the answers to the questions below come directly from the Ted Talk video. There are a few questions which are considered “Personal Reflection” questions and are thus indicated as such in parentheses to avoid any confusion.
1.According to the speaker, “most people view themselves in a very __________ way.” (Fill in the blank)
2.Moreover, “how your story about who you are and how you see yourself is generally a direct correlation with…” In other words, “how you see yourself is…” (Fill in both sets of “…”)
3.The speaker continues, “it’s important to go from powerless to powerful, where you see yourself, not from your current circumstances, but…” (Fill in the “…”)
4.According to the speaker, “your input shapes … and …” (Fill in both sets of “…”)
5.In regards to this idea (shared in #4), share how what you listen to and watch shapes your behaviors. In other words, what do you read, watch, and listen to—and do these forms of “input” provide you with helpful insights, motivation, and inspiration, or do they tend to do the opposite (e.g., create anxiety, insecurity, depression, numb-out, etc.) Is your input conducive for your success? (Personal Reflection)
6.The speaker shares the importance of describing yourself (i.e., your “identity”) based on your future (“This is who I’m going to be”) versus your past (“This is why I am the way I am”). Describe in your own words, what you think the significance of doing this is. (Personal Reflection)
7.If you were to adopt this idea of describing yourself based on your “future (ideal) identity” rather than on your “past actions/identity”, what would be different in the way you describe yourself? (Personal Reflection)
8.Describe what the speaker refers to as a “point-of-no-return experience”?
9.Have you ever had a “point-of-no-return” experience in your life? If so, what was it? If not, describe what could be a “point-of-no-return” experience for you based on your goals? (Personal Reflection)
10.What is the quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes that the speaker shares in the Ted Talk?
11.What does the speaker refer to as a “peak experience”? What is a “peak experience” generally speaking?
12.Have you ever had a “peak experience” in your life? If so, what was it? If not, describe what could be a “peak experience” for you based on your goals? (Personal Reflection)
13.The speaker states, “changing your behavior has to be first a shift in _______.” (Fill in the blank)
14.Describe what is meant by the above statement.
15.The speaker shares the story about Elko changing his unhealthy eating habits after having an epiphany one night, asking himself “What would happen if I did this for the rest of my life?” Indicate one desired behavior change that you think would have the greatest impact in your life and ask yourself this question—“What would happen if I [insert change behavior here] for the rest of my life?” Describe the change and the answer to the question below. (Personal Reflection)
16.Describe what is meant by the statement “100% commitment is easier than 98% commitment.”
17.What is the name of the “mental tug-of-war” that we often get into when we are not “100% committed” to a behavior change?
18.According to the speaker, why doesn’t willpower often work in helping us change?
19.What is the quote by Michael Jordan that the speaker shares in the Ted Talk?
20.Describe the significance of the Michael Jordan quote.
21.What is the “opposite of decision” fatigue? Please elaborate.
22.Describe what happens to people’s minds (and energy) once they make the shift in who they were and how they saw themselves for the rest of their lives by committing 100% and cutting alternative options.
23.According to the speaker, how does this process of commitment relate to confidence and expanding our potential (i.e., “a bigger future”)?
24.Reflecting on this Ted Talk and the question he poses at the end for all of us to consider, how can you utilize these insights in your life to help you make meaningful and lasting change in an area that matters most to you? (Personal Reflection)